Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mecca Bar's Last Party

This past Saturday was the last day Mecca was allowed to be open.  Due to a landlord that could be described as nothing other than, a "hater."

Mecca was the first place my roommate took me the night I moved up here.  Since then, I've spent a good majority of my nights sitting at this backyard bar, drinking cheap keg beer, singing along to songs with the whole bar, watching kids get too drunk to remember the night, and everything else that goes along with living in a college town.

Saturday was a beautiful day.  It was in the low 60's and sunny all afternoon.  The perfect kind of weather to be outside and play drinking games.

Petey was especially loving the weather.

As the afternoon ran it's course, so did the booze.  Which prompted numerous kids to scale the house and hang out on the roof.

The same booze that prompted the kids to get on the roof, also didn't help much with them thinking of how to get down.  So, despite the ladder, two guys took the manly route down.

More people showed up.  More kegs were purchased.  More alcohol was consumed.

Seeing as I started drinking around 3 in the afternoon this day, I wasn't thinking too much about documenting the night by the time the sun went down.  So I put my camera back in the car so I wouldn't have to worry about it.

Even though I was only around for the last 3 weeks of Mecca, I still had a lot of fun hanging out there.  I also met the majority of the people I now know at this bar.

RIP Mecca Bar

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